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The Year 1968
Student Teachers |
1968> Student Teachers at University Nursery-Kindergarten (September 1967) > The College receives the national Distinguished Achievement Award for Excellence in Teacher Education from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. The award was given for the College's development of teacher education centers in Maryland and D.C. > The College establishes the Office of Laboratory Experiences (OLE) to coordinate preservice and inservice field experiences in education. > A Graduate Program in Psychological Services for Schools (also known as School Psychology) begins in the Department of Counseling and Personnel Services, a joint program between College of Education and Department of Psychology. The program was approved by the Faculty Senate, but not initially funded. > Because of budgetary concerns, a proposal to establish a Student Personnel Office in the College is rejected. > The Center of Rehabilitation and Manpower Services, a division of the Department of Industrial Education is established on campus. > Daniel Prescott retires from the College. In June, former students, graduates, faculty members, and friends establish the Prescott Fellowship Fund for full time graduate study in human development. > The Institute for Child Study celebrates its 20th anniversary and honors Daniel Prescott with a two-day conference, "Issues in Human Development Present and Future," on April 19-20. Speakers include Ralph Gerard, Dean of Graduate School, University of California, Irvine; Allison Davis, Professor of Education, Univ. of Chicago; Fritz Redl, Wayne State University; and Lois Barclay Murphy, Children's Hospital, Washington, DC. > In 1968, the University starts a master's program in Counseling and Personnel Services in the Far East Division at two centers at Okinawa and Tokyo, Japan. > The undergraduate program in Special Education is approved. > IRCOPPS (Interprofessional Research Commission on Pupil Personnel Services) leaves the University of Maryland and moves to a location in Silver Spring, Maryland. |