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The Year 1963
Special Education Workshop |
1963> Photo: Jean Hebeler's Summer Special Education Workshop, July 1963 > The Maryland State Legislature approves funds for the construction of a new building. Plans for the building are in final blueprint stage by November. > The College undergoes reorganization, including the creation of Undergraduate (under supervision of the Assistant Dean) and Graduate Division (headed by the Director of Graduate Studies). During the 1963-1964 academic year, the Planning and Advisory Committee undertakes an intensive self-study, projecting future directions and projects for departments and programs within the College. > The Graduate Committee approves a master's program in Special Education. > The University and the College faculty approve the Department of Early Childhood-Elementary Education and Department of Secondary Education. > The College receives a $1.3 million grant for a research and development project in the area of Pupil Personnel Services, known as IRCOPPS (Interprofessional Research Commission on Pupil Personnel Services) and becomes the regional center for research. Walter Waetjen is appointed to oversee this project. > The Personnel Services group suggests calling their program area "Personnel Services in Education," which would encompass the then-present areas of Personnel Services, Student Personnel Services, and Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling. In the fall, Personnel Services offers a new program to prepare elementary school counselors. > George Marx's task force on instructional media recommends the use of new media to improve College instruction. Recommendations outlined in the Task Force report include establishing a curriculum in Educational Technology and hiring a full-time faculty member. > The International Clearinghouse on Science and Mathematics Curricula issues its first report in spring 1963. |