The Year 1961


Teaching Reading -
Teaching Reading


> Department of Elementary Education faculty member Will Massey establishes a Reading Clinic in the summer of 1961 "to provide clinical experiences for teachers preparing to become specialists in remedial reading." Dr. Massey initiates a summer to train teachers in remedial reading.

> The Science Teaching Center is founded in conjunction with the Department of Botany in a small room in the Skinner Building. Support funds are provided by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the National Teachers' Association, and the National Science Foundation.

> The Graduate Committee approves a new program of doctoral study in Statistics and Measurement.

> The Graduate Committee approves a new program in College Student Personnel work, introduced by faculty member George Marx .

> The Grant Foundation funds the preparation of a series of televised courses, "Growth, Learning and Adjustment in Elementary School Children and Secondary School Youth," by Daniel Prescott. The telecourse, Human Development I - "The Child Under Six," first airs on Feb. 7 on WTOP/WMAR.

> Funds from the National Defense Act underwrite a Summer Institute in Counseling and Guidance training to train counselors of high school students.

> In collaboration with George Washington University, the Maryland School Superintendents, and the State Department of Education, the university holds a seven-week institute in counselor education from June 26-August 11.

> Dean Anderson appoints a committee to prepare a report on the College's use of new educational media.

> Library Science is established as a division of the College.

> The Childhood Education curriculum is expanded to include the primary grades, forming the Early Childhood Education program.